I, on the other hand, wanted something a little more grown up. Hey, who am I kidding? I'm just a big kid at heart when it comes to toys. I asked for and received a beautiful turquoise cruiser bicycle with padded seat. Remember the days of the banana seat? My tush prefers to ride in comfort now.

I wanted a bicycle so hopefully I can get back into exercising on a regular basis. I used to love to go for walks. That's my ideal exercise, but about 4 years ago I developed a condition called plantar fasciitis, where the ligament on the bottom of you foot becomes inflamed and causes lots of pain -- pretty constant in my case. This prevents me from going on long walks or doing any type exercise that requires me to stand for long periods. But, I can ride with a lot less discomfort. Most people (95% as posted on several websites) are able to heal within 6 months to a year with good stretching habits alone. I am in the 5% group that doesn't heal and who may need invasive-type procedures to promote healing.
I've done all kinds of stretches, taken anti-inflammatory medications, had a cortisone shot in my heal, and went to physical therapy without much relief. My only two options left are shockwave therapy or surgery. Most insurances do not cover the shockwave therapy, and the quoted price from my doctor is $1500 per foot. I have it in both feet, and treatment isn't always effective the first time around. Insurance covers surgery, but recovery takes 6 to 12 months, time I don't have to spare watching a 2 year old.
Anyway, all of that to get to the good part -- a present I received from my mother: open-toed shoes that hold my big honkin' specially made blue inserts. Thank goodness I've never had a shoe fetish, but not being able to wear cute little open-toed shoes with all my other girlfriends is not always fun. But, my mom found a place that sells shoes that hold inserts. I got two pair: an open-toed sandal for church and a stylish knee-length boot. So, you won't always have to see me wearing my old gray tennis shoes. I use black Peds No Show Socks to cover my insert, so it's completely hidden.

It's a small blessing to have some nice shoe options now. And I have the perfect outfit for my boots. God blesses in big (having a wonderful mom who thinks of things like that) and small ways (having stylish shoes).
I got to come over and wear them boots LOL! i like your boots they are stlish.
I want a bicycle, too. My birthday is Saturday, but I haven't told anyone about wanting a bike, so I'm not expecting to get one...But my dh and kids love to go on bike rides, and dear old mom doesn't have a bike! Maybe someday.
And, I really like your boots. Very cute!
Wow, sounds like you girls had a great birthday! Scamp's house is so cute :) I didn't realize you had plantar fascitis, I've heard it can be very painful. Yeah on the bike, now you can ride and not aggravate the p.f. There's a lady in our neighborhood that rides every morning when we're walking. She's always whizzing by and looking like she's having a blast!
Cute shoes and I love those boots!
Hope you guys have an awesome weekend :)
Love the little kitchen and your bike. I had a kitchen for years when I was a kid and I played in it countless hours. Sorry to hear about your p.f.. I didn't realize it was that painful. Cute shoes and boots!
Sounds painful! I hope you are able to find some relief. I can't believe those inserts! You can't even tell they're there!
Sorry I missed your birthday. I hope you had a special celebration with people close to your heart.
Scamp's pretty house is marvelous. A bike would be nice. I loved biking when I was younger but I don't have one anymore.
I'm sorry to hear about your condition. I hope the condition can be corrected with your choice of medical solution.
Those are lovely shoes. Very stylish.
I really enjoy going through your posts. I hope you don't mind if I add you on my sidebar.
Take care and have a lovely weekend.
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