Monday, March 31, 2008

A Bit Better Everyday

Today has been a better day. My pain from the surgery has lessened drastically. It still hurts to sit up completely straight, but I am able to bend over and squat with a lot less discomfort. Our biggest concern right now is that we are all sick. Yes, Beef, Scamp, and I plus my extended family!!

Sore throats, hacking coughs, and sweaty fevers have prevailed this week. Sometimes my ribs are more sore than my stitches from coughing. Scamp had a fever all yesterday and it has come down somewhat today. My mom has been diagnosed with every kind of 'itis you can think of -- laryngitis, bronchitis, etc. You name it! She's at work right now instead of resting, so please pray she gets better soon as well. Sickness hasn't hit Beef hard...yet. He's had a bit of a sore throat, too. Hopefully, it won't get any worse for him.

I can't wait until things get back to normal. Big changes seem to affect me emotionally, and I'm needing some normalcy. Scamp and I usually get out of the house a few times a week, but I haven't driven by myself yet. And I'm not sure I can pick her up yet. The doctor should let me know tomorrow. The appointment will be my first driving excursion since the surgery. Thank goodness my friend Judith is going with me.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I Am Very Gracious

Hello Friends!!

It's pretty much been a pajama week for both Scamp and myself. I'm feeling better everyday. I'm in a lot less pain but am still pretty tired. I even hope to leave the house tonight -- my first trip in public besides the car ride Beef and I took earlier this week. BTW, he has been an exceptional husband and care-giver this week. He's not only had to work from home but has also had to take care of Scamp and I. I love you, Baby.

I mostly wanted to say thank you all for your encouraging comments and prayers. The amount of love I've felt over this whole ordeal has been phenomenal. God has really blessed us with such generous and caring friends and family members. And wow! I am thoroughly impressed with those of you whom I've never met face-to-face. You all mean so much to me.

God is really working and I am thankful for His care and provision most of all. I have prayed that God bless each one of you for your generous hearts. I still have a bit more recovering to do but hope to return to a more normal schedule this next week. I will be returning to my doctor this next Tuesday as well, so I hope all goes well then.

Thank you again!! I am very touched.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

We Have a Winner Ladies

I had such a fun time visiting for the Ultimate Blog Party. I met so many nice ladies, and I enjoyed everyone who came to visit me here. Now, it's time for the book drawing. Through a random number crunch the winner below has won my personal copy of A Bride Most Begrudging by Deanne Gist:

Congratulations Hazel! Please head over to her site to tell her so. Thank you to everyone who participated!! I hope you'll stop by again.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Winter or Spring? You decide.

Saturday we were stuck in half the day with a winter blasting of snow. Take the blasting lightly since we live in a Southern state.:) Scamp and her daddy made snow angels.

Beef's was much bigger as you can see. But, check out Scamp's new Thomas the Train snow boots. Those were the only ones they had left at Wal Mart on Friday, but she loved them.

Wednesday the day was so warm and fluffy we went to the park. Scamp loves the sand volleyball court. She was only supposed to walk in it not cover herself, but of course she couldn't resist.

Here's our take of "walking on the beach" in our landlocked state.

Today, the weather was just as nice. Scamp woke up from her nap moments ago and is heading outside with her daddy to swing. How's your weather?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Welcome to My Blog Party!

Ultimate Blog Party 2008

This post wll be stickied for the blog party week, so scroll down for newer posts.

Welcome to my party!! I'm Shawna, and this is my sweet and sassy Scamp. How's the weather where your from? We are about to be blasted with a little snow, so we're bundling up tight.

We are so excited that you came that we are giving away a book. I hope you love Christian fiction. That's mostly what I read besides pre-teen and teen books. I love doing book reviews and also participate in a teen book review blog called Teen Lit Review. We're giving away some books over there, too, so hurry on over after you've visited here a little while.

I am giving away my personal copy of "A Bride Most Begrudging" by Deanne Gist. Click here for my review of the book. All you have to do it leave a comment on this post, but please include an email address if I can't get to your blog. Non-bloggers are welcome to participate, too.

The contest ends Monday, March 17 at midnight. The winner will be posted after noon on Tuesday, March 18.

BTW, scroll down to see Scamp's Philosophies on life. You don't want to miss this! Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Scamp's Philosophies on Life

Hi, I'm Scamp. See my picture up there? Well, Mama's taking a nap, so I'm posting for today. There's a few things I've learned over my short life so far, and I wanted to share. So here goes:
  • Life is like a tea party. There's always gonna be spills, but thankfully mom's always around to help.
  • Why have just one passey when you could have three or four? Life is good that way.
  • Live life to the fullest: play hard, squeal loud, and run crazy!
  • Dancing always makes your food taste better. Just try it.
  • Growling at your mama as a means of communication isn't always the best choice.
  • Announcing, "I tooted!" always lightens the mood...always!
  • Life is like a game of dress-up. You don't always get the outfit you want so just do the best with what you have.
  • It's all in the attitude. Believe me (and my mom), Sassiness is hard to contain!
  • Don't hold your anger in. Let it out in the loudest, most unpredictable way. You'll feel better (unless mom's within earshot).
  • Sharing isn't always the easiest, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • A long day should always end with a relaxing foot soak. It's even better when you have a friend join you.

I'll be around, so leave me a comment and let me know what your philosophies on life are.

Bye, bye!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

CWO Has Joined the Blog Party

Have you heard? Christian Women Online has joined this year's blog party, and to celebrate they are playing a game of tag (sponsored by Art Bookbindery). Play along and you could win a Sony Walkman Video MP3 Player with 4GB Memory!

You don't have to be a member of their blogroll to play along. All you have to do is tag someone by inviting them to participate on your blog. Don't forget to comment on their party invite. I don't have a blog, you say? That's ok, just tag a friend and have them mention your name in their comment at CWO. But, they have to tag someone as well to be entered into the drawing. The winner will be drawn the morning of March 15.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Busy Days Ahead

It's going to be a busy couple of days. I've got some cathcing up to do for Scamp's Place and Teen Lit Review to get ready for the blog party starting tomorrow. And to all my lovely regulars who come and visit and who I visit, I may be away for a week or so visiting some new bloggers with the blog party. But, I'll catch up before too long!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Tea Parties and Blessings

Scamp and I have been having tea parties every few days with the porcelain tea set her Nana got her for Christmas. Since she's still so small, I only fill the tea pot with water and place the cups and plates on an absorbent blanket on the floor. Then, I lay out lots of tiny crackers, cookies, and fruit for us.

Halfway through our last tea party, Scamp told me to close my eyes. I assumed she meant we needed to say the blessing, so I asked her if she wanted to. She did. I closed my eyes and waited with anticipation as to what she would say.

"Dear God,
Blah, blah, blah...Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so...more toddler babble...Jesus' name, Amen."

I was so delighted. You ought to have seen the tremendous smile on my face during her prayer. What a blessing to a mom! I'm sure God was tremendously blessed as well.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Spring Fashion Show 2007

My SILs at Studio Six Limited put the music video on You Tube for their 2007 Spring Fashion Show, and I'm in it! Click here to view it. I'm posting this for those of you who want to see me Get Jiggi With It. Remember, it's all about the attitude not how good you dance! I'm in the middle of the video with a pony tail and orange cropped leather jacket shakin' my thang and swingin' my belt. You can also see Fluff Fluff, Emily and, of course, Shan and Beth (for those of you who know them). So be on the lookout.

They are still looking for more models for this years Fashion Show in April. Go check out their newest commercial, Life as a Cover Model here.