Saturday, March 31, 2007

Weekend Reflection

Beef watched Scamp 2 nights in a row while I participated in a fashion show. I had so much fun and was able to purchase the great outfit I wore at an unbelievably great deal!

My parents are keeping Scamp overnight tonight so Beef and I can go on a date. I think we may due some putt-putt golf since the weather is so great!!

We took some gorgeous pictures of Scamp outside today. I love outdoor photos, and I'll post some soon.

We had a few bumps in the beginning of the week but things have turned around. God works wanders!

Sign up at Judi's to play along.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Win a Dyson!

I love 5 Minutes for Mom. They are hosting yet another contest where you can win a free Dyson Slim vacuum.

So what are you waiting for? Go to 5 Minutes for Mom and sign up. You have until Wednesday, April 4 at 1:00 pm Eastern to sign the Mr. Linky and make your post. Thanks Dyson!

Photo Hunters: Water

Here's my hubby (aka the Human Catapult) launching my niece and nephew through the air into the water.

Visit Photo Hunters to play along.

Studio Six Fashion Show 2007

I wasn't able to take many pictures, but I hope to post the professional ones by Studio Six soon. I looooved my outfit from Claire's Consignment in Smithville. I wore a cropped burnt orange leather jacket, lacy floral tank, low rise jeans and fringed leather belt. That was part of my outfit in the first picture. Rene at Tangles Hair Salon gave me one styish poofed ponytail. It was sassy, but man it hurt!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Wait Until Next Week

I'm so sorry to say that the conclusion to "The Only Man I've Ever Loved" will have to be posted next week. I've had a busy week and haven't been able to finish the story. Here's one reason why: my nephew lovingly known as "Fat Wad." Beef's sister (aunt Sha Sha) needed me to keep him on Wednesday. It was a blessing to be able to watch him. He's 8 months old and is as big as Scamp (18 months). Isn't he adorable?

I will be participating in the annual Studio Six Fashion Show tonight and I get to "groove" down the cat walk to "Wanna Be" by the Spice Girls. Wish me luck. I don't want to trip, and I'm nervous about groovin' in front of everyone!!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Flee the Night

I have decided to begin reading for pleasure again to replace all the TV I was watching. I searched for a few weeks for the book I wanted to start with and landed on "Flee the Night," a romantic suspense by Christian writer Susan May Warren.

I absolutley loved the book. It takes place present day with ex-CIA agent Lacey Montgomery becoming injured in an accident in which her young daughter goes missing. She has to enilist the help of Jim Micah, an estranged friend and ex-Green Beret, who believes that she has murdered her own husband. The book deals with how believing lies can destroy your relationships with others and with God and how that God is always with you even in your darkest moments.

The book is the first in a series of three. The next one is called "Escape to Morning" followed by "Expect the Sunrise." All are found on Susan's website where you can also read the prequel to the series, "Waiting for Dawn."

I enjoyed the flow of the book, especially how the author was abe to go back in time on several occassions to reveal even more about the characters. She did an excellent job of switching to the different minds of each as well. It was definitley a quick read and fairly easy to understand. I don't enjoy getting lost in excessive detail, and this book was not excessive. I do plan to read the second one soon and hope to write more reviews as well. Please feel free to give me your book suggestions, too.

30 Days of Joy

I meant to do this earlier, but I've been behind. I mentioned previously that Stacy had sent me a "30 Days of Joy" kit. She filled 30 envelopes with Bible verses and inspirational quotes, candy, stickers, fun toys, a bracelet, a key chain, Sudoku puzzles and puzzle pieces. Each day I opened a new envelope to reveal the special trinkets inside. I stuck all the stickers in my devotional journal so that I could enjoy them for a long time to come. The last day Scamp and I were able to fit all the puzzle pieces together to show Winnie the Pooh and his friends.

It was such a thoughful gift. The next several days after I had opened all the envelopes I would go to open a new one and realize, "Oh, I've already opened them all," and would feel a little disappointed:( Thank you so much Stacy for being such an encouraging friend. I loved every thought, every trinket, and every mouth watering piece of chocolate. I'm still working through all the Sudoku games!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Photo Hunters: Empty

Scamp made the hunt again. Here she is next to an almost empty basket. This was the first and only time she's fallen asleep on her own in the floor. That was her toy basket. Now, over a year later she as well as the size of the toy box have grown. Two or three of her could fit inside the toy box now, and she continues to empty it out on a regular basis.

Join along at Photo Hunters.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Bearing My Soul

I'm on a mission--a mission to bear my soul. I've been so locked up inside myself for years, and God has slowly pried open my heart and shown me that I have to share. The sturggles and trials I've been through, like depression, have all been for one common reason - for me to come out of my shell.

God has been peeling the layers back for several years. I've had to share some really deep, dark secrets with a lot of people. Secrets, to some, may not be so dark or so deep but for me, they are pieces of my soul, my essence. Pieces, that if are rejected by others, may cause me anguish because the rule that I've lived by for years is if I'm not totally accepted by everyone, then I'm a failure. I'm not worth the ground others walk on.

Lies. They are lies that I've believed for years. I wish I were to the point that I could say, "Say what you want about me. I don't care." But, I'm not there yet. This will be a lifelong battle. But, with God's help, I'll be set free.

I've learned over the past few years that I need "real" relationships, not ones that are grounded in "small talk." I need to have friends, confidants that are willing to give of themselves and let me into their lives as I let them into mine. I've been too afraid for too long to let others in. I've been hurt deeply on more than one occassion for sharing my desires, my dreams, and my sins. I need to walk into a room and be greeted by, "What's really going on in your life?" rather than "How are you?" with a response of "Fine" expected. Don't get me wrong, I've played the small talk game over and over and over again. I'm just ready for something more.

I need to make connections with people, but some days I'm more willing than others to trust. Hopefully, today will be a trusting day. Hopefully tomorrow will to. But just in case, I'll write it down to be sure that I remember I need you, the real you in my life.

Blog Talkers #12

What do you feel most guilty about?

I am addicted to guilt. It has been known to control my life and squash my joy. Even as a child my mom told me that I wallowed in guilt. I am so obsessed about other's views of me that I literally ooze guilt. I worry about "small talk" with friends--that I may have said something to offend them even though they made no mention of it. I worry over the fact that I may not have responded to someone else's story in the way they wanted or needed me to. Then, I end up feeling guilty and roll around in self-pity for awhile. I have been guilted into submission, into doing things I really didn't want to do, and into serving God on many occassion. Then, I feel guilty on top of that for giving in or having a "bad attitude."

God is having to work overtime on me with this. I hope that I can say I'm not as bad as I used to be, but I still, on occassion, lay awake at night feeling the weight of guilt pressing down on me so tightly that I crumble--all because I couldn't be perfect for someone else!

But, the one thing that makes me feel guilty above all else (and I've done some pretty low things like using others to my benefit and the thoughts I have even dared to consider!) is not being a good mother. There have been times when I've yelled and ranted for little reason, times when I've punished out of anger instead of love, and times when I've been neglectfull and selfish. I hope and pray that God keeps me in check so that I will be the mother he has intended my daughter to have and that I allow him to release me from my prison of guilt.

Jesus has already taken my shame and guilt as it says in Hebrews 12:1-2, "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurnace the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

He calls me to give my guilt and shame to him because, "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." Romans 8:1.

So, why do I continue to carry the weight of guilt?

Share your thoughts or submit a question at Blog Talkers.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The Only Man I've Ever Loved: Part 7

Too Soon to Say Goodbye

News of Matt’s possible job placement in Atlanta (four hours away!) after his graduation in May of 2000 added yet more despair to my already full plate of hopelessness. I was completely downtrodden, and my fears that we would never belong to each other seemed to be quickly becoming reality. I had reluctantly accepted his love of Hippie Girl and even befriended her at his graduation.

“I will never tell Matt that I loved him, and I will even watch him walk down the aisle if I have to in order to keep his friendship,” I confidently told Jennifer. “He will always be highly regarded in my book,” I continued. “But, I’ve decided to move on.” Without any acknowledgement of love for me from Matt, I entered into an ill-advised relationship with someone else.

A few weeks after Matt’s graduation, I learned that he had, in fact, broken up with Hippie Girl and accepted a job locally. I felt relieved since he would still be in my life, but my heart was no longer capable of hoping in a future together with him. It had been a year since I was enlightened with love toward Matt, and never once had he shown any sign of affection toward me. I continued dating and remarkably mine and Matt's friendship deepened as I often confided in him about my turbulent relationship. He would listen to me as I spoke of my travails and missteps I felt I was making. Likewise I would listen intently as he offered his advice on life and love matters. Suffice to say, it wasn’t long before I ended the relationship with the guy I was dating.

In September, Matt’s job required him to travel to Texas for six weeks of training. He called me while there, and although my guarded heart was still apparent, it began to flutter with joy again as we talked. Matt returned home with a renewed determination to find his soul mate and thus decided to begin online dating. I, on the other hand, had chosen to avoid dating altogether for awhile.

We spent every weekend together the last couple months of the year. He took me to dinner and bowling with his brother. We perused the mall as he flirted mercilessly with other girls. I even attended church with him on occasion and felt the ever increasing awareness of fondness between us. Much of our conversations entailed his fun-filled (or fright-filled – depending on the girl) experiences of online dating. He was eager for me to read his Yahoo Personal ad, to enlist my opinion. But, the more I read his profile and what he said he was looking for, the more disillusioned I became. He was describing ME, word for word, and was totally oblivious to the fact.

My deep feelings began to resurface as we shared more and more time together. However, this go round, I was panicked! “Lord, I prayed those prayers so long ago. I felt as though You Yourself had bestowed me with romantic feelings towards Matt. He obviously is NOT interested in me. Please take these feelings away. I cannot go through this rollercoaster ride of emotions again!”

But God had another plan.

Read the earlier segments at Our Love Story. Come back next week for the conclusion!

Monday, March 19, 2007

New Header

As many may know I recently started a poetry blog Through the Midst of Despair. I have not been updating it very regularly but have been motivated to do so.

Revka at The Porch Light has so graciously created a new header for this blog. She is trying to start a business but first is wanting to perfect her craft; therefore she is going to design a free header to the first 25 people who sign up at her blog. Go here if you're interested.

Please stop by Through the Midst of Despair and see the great work Revka has done!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Weekend Reflection

I have done well with my goal of not watching much TV this week. It helps that all my shows are in reruns:)

Beef watched Scamp on Wednesday night while I had a night out by myself to shop at the mall and our favorite video/bookstore Hastings. I even bought my own Vanilla Chai Tea Latte. Scamp usually doesn't like to share:)

I spent some quality time with my friend Janice on Thursday night followed by time with Greyson on Friday night. Greyson and I are planning our 2nd annual Girl's Night Murder Mystery Dinner. We have a great time brainstorming.

This morning I ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel with my mom and our cousins (two generations, of course). We all grew up together and do not see each other much. We plan to meet once a month from now own. I have such great memories of each of them and am excited about reconnecting.

Prayer Requests: Beef is sick but still managed to watch Scamp while I went out to breakfast. Thanks Honey!

Another friend's son, David, was diagnosed with leukemia this past week and just started chemo. He will have to spend a lot of time in the hospital. He is 12 years old. Please keep him in your prayers.

Play along at Judi's blog.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Photo Hunters: Drink

This hunt was a little harder for me, but I think this photo counts. This is Scamp's first appearance in Photo Hunters with an almost empty cup of milk.

Go to Photo Hunters to play along.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Let's Lighten Up with a Little Scamp

I've got some major walls of text (as Beef told me they were called) going on below, so I wanted to lighten things up a bit with some of my favorite Scamp photos from this past week

Scamp is full of funny faces. We are practicing this week with utensils. She wants to feed herself but has trouble getting the food on the spoon and into her mouth. Pucker up!

Let's see, Sister Mary Scamp has come out to play after finishing her breakfast. She normally squeals for me to take the bib off, but this time she fussed for me to put it back on her head.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Protecting Children from Online Porn

I was tagged by Carrie about a very important cause: Protecting our children against Internet porn. Blogger Power is a site devoted to encouraging all bloggers to talk about the dangers of Internet porn on their sites and by doing so convincing the online porn industry to require password protected logins for all illicit materials, which means no more free tours of those images. This of course won't deter every child but will at least spare the younger Internet users who do not understand how to create their own password. Please visit Blogger Power for further details.

As a mother, I am scared for the safety of my child's mind. I know growing up that on occassion I had access to porn through movies and magazines. Some adults in my life had some illicit materials in their possessions that I was able to view. The materials were hidden but were easily found by their own children who shared with me. Mt first experience was around 9 or 10 years old and to this day I still have those images implanted in my mind.

Porn gives us an exaggerated and unrealistic view of sex. We are supposed to teach our children about the joy of sex with all the wonderous feelings and emotions God has designed us to have within the boundaries of a loving, committed marriage. We do not want the porn industry teaching our children that sex is something dirty and meant to be shared freely with just anyone.

Porn today is far more accessible with the aid of the Internet. It is easily sent as spam through email, and most of the time you do not know what you are clicking on until it's too late. I've even had porn pop up on my screen at work. How easy is it just to type in a key word into Google and find thousands and thousands of questionable sites?

Let's collectively take a stand against the porn industry. I'm not going to tag anyone specifically. So, please, if you read my blog, write a small post of your on and contact Blogger Power through email so that they can add you to their list of blogs for protecting our children against porn.

Also, please do everything that you can to block your children's access from porn sites and talk to them about the consequences of viewing those images; therefore, when one of their friends wants them to view porn, they will have the knowledge and power to say no.

The Only Man I've Ever Loved: Part 6


He had a GIRLFRIEND!!! My limp body lay lifeless on the floor, needing to be revived from the shock; at least, that’s what it felt like. I sat in denial barely able to breathe as though someone had stunned me with a swift kick to my gut. “How could he? I’m the one!!!” I screamed to myself.

“Lord, this is not what was supposed to happen. I am so angry and frustrated with You and with Matt.” That night as I lay in bed I pleaded with God to take the painful feelings of rejection away from me. “Why did You even allow me to love him in the first place?" I questioned God.

Around this same time, I had spread my wings of independence and moved to an apartment near campus with my cousin Jennifer. She was a constant ray of hope to me during this agonizing trial. She believed in God’s promise for me even in the moments when I could not believe myself--even after I confided in another friend, Janice, who unwittingly told Matt of my feelings. However, Matt did not take her seriously. This tidbit of information imprisoned me even more with discord as I thought he mocked my every move.

I continued in our friendship as though nothing had changed. Matt and I exercised together. He bought me lunch on several occasions and would become irritated that I wasn’t ever able to finish my meal around him. My constant state of adoration, confusion, and despair caused such an immense anxiety that I felt nauseas in his presence a good portion of the time.

My aversion lessened as Matt’s relationship with “Cleveland Girl” drew to an end around Christmas. To my absolute amazement he began dating another girl almost immediately thereafter--“Hippie Girl” as he called her. She wasn’t the right-minded, upstanding Christian girl Matt typically dated; hence the name “Hippie Girl” with her hippie ways. My hope of us being together continued to dwindle more and more.

A few weeks later Matt offered to take me to dinner and a movie on a platonic “date.” We sat in a fast food restaurant sipping on shakes after eating our sandwiches. Being the man of integrity that he was, he did not want his newfound love interest to think poorly of him for taking out another girl. Therefore, he invited her along to the movies with us. I was in sheer disillusionment as I imagined the course our next two hours together would entail; me accompanying my undisclosed betrothed on a date with another woman!

As we pulled into the parking lot of the movie theater, I saw her standing outside waiting for her prince. I shuffled behind as Matt raced to greet her with a kiss. My heart sank in dismay. “How are you?” I reluctantly inquired of Hippie Girl. “Fine, how are you?” she returned. My programmed answer was instilled in me since early childhood but was absolutely a lie. “I’m good,” I stated with forced intention. I desperately prayed for strength.

I followed them into the theater and tried to deter my eyes as Hippie Girl played pinball while Matt embraced her from behind. I was solidly in third wheel territory. During the show Hippie Girl and I were perfectly aligned on either side of Matt with me on his left and her on his right as Matt gently caressed her hand. Each glimpse of romantic expression between the two was most certainly agonizing and quite unbearable for me.

I bolted from the theater as the film concluded narrowly breathing an audible goodbye to Matt and his beloved. I desperately wanted to avoid the after show of PDA between the two of them. I returned to my apartment in agony. “Just let me cry one tear, and I’ll let him go. I will stop loving him,” my afflicted heart implored God. But, not a tear flowed from my eyes that night. Somehow, beneath all of my despair and angst, God gave me peace.

“Can you see my eyes through midnight tears?
I cannot believe I loved you all these years.
But, you do not know the way I feel.
So, by the moonlight I quietly kneel.
Away from me, take this love,
If it was not sent from my Father above.
Speak to his heart, softly and true
If it’s Your will; he belongs to You."
SF 2000

For those of you still hanging on to the story, the conclusion is drawing near. Wait for part 7 coming next week. If you're a new reader, click here to read the beginning.

Blog Talkers #11

If you had to spend a year on a deserted island with any five bloggers, who would you choose and why?

Oh, just five bloggers. We'll see if I can narrow it down. I'm still fairly new to the blogging world, but I've made several friends already. Here are my chocies in no particular order:

Kooky Kay because she would definitely keep me entertained with stories of her little Tornado. We can really relate to each other as well since our kids are about the same age, and I would love to talk about our cultural differences since she's from the Philippines.

Exceedingly Mundane because we could have some great conversations about anything and everything. She is also a great cook, and I know she could whip us up some really innovative delicacies on the island. She is also a very sweet and sincere person, and I would love to get to know her better.

Vader's Mom because we are friends outside of the blogging world. It's funny because we were never friends when we lived in the same city but now we are even though we live states apart. She is also a great encourager and would keep us all upbeat as we wait for rescue. It would be a great time for us to bond, and I know we could get into a lot of trouble together:)

Mommy of Two because she is a dear, sweet encourager as well. We would share stories about our adorable children, and she could give me insight into raising a little girl since hers is a few years ahead of mine.

Mo Mhíle Grá because we are just getting to know each other. We could have some wonderfully insightful conversations about our lives, families, children, God, etc. I think we both have a great desire to further God's kingdom and would definitely be kindred spirits.

Play along at Blog Talkers and don't forget to send in your questions.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Weekend Reflection

I missed out on last week because I was so busy trying to adjust to Scamp's new napping schedule, two naps down to one. I was also visiting new blogs for the Ultimate Blog Party. I did meet several very interesting and extremely cordial ladies!

Beef took the day off Friday. We went down to Matt's parent's home, and his dad (with a little help from Beef) fixed the breaks on my car. Then, we got to spend some quality time with just him (Beef's dad). Later, we celebrated, Josh's (Beef's brother) birthday at his home.

My week was fairly restful even though I was able to get a lot done around the house.

I found a great new book for my devotion time, Praying for Purpose by Katie Brazelton, which happens to be one of three in a series. I also purchased Rick Warren's Bible Study Methods.

Praise God. He is working in my life even though I've had some ups and downs the past couple of weeks.

Join in at Judi's place.

Photo Hunters: Architecture

My handsome hubby, Beef, worked on this intricately constructed sand castle while we vacationed in Gulf Shores with my parents. Even my mom got in on the fun and showed us how to make trees for the perimeter of the moat.

Join in on the fun at Photo Hunters.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Only Man I've Ever Loved: Part 5

Meeting at Missions

I couldn’t keep my new found prophecy to myself. Good news has to be shared, and share I did. Joseph, my other BSU brother, was one of the first I captivated with my illustrious spiritual experience. I explained that under God’s divine promise, Matt and I would exchange wedding vows. Joseph was all for it and even convinced me that we should take a trip down to visit Matt on his mission trip.

Unwilling to wait any longer and with Joseph’s encouragement, I hunted Matt down. I was able to acquire the number of the BSU he was staying at in Cleveland. It was a main line, so I left a straightforward message asking Matt to call. I anxiously waited, and a week later, he did. He sounded excited to hear from me and even more eager for me to come and visit. We planned a day of site-seeing in Chattanooga, which happened to be the city right outside of Cleveland.

Joseph and I, along with another couple I invited (Jonathan and Greyson), headed south. They had never met Matt before but my love struck enthusiasm had infected them as well as I explained my epiphany of adoration toward him during the lengthy drive to Chattanooga. My hopes were high from the intoxicating love spell as I anticipated Matt’s response to our meeting. I wasn’t going to tell him of my feelings. I would sit back and wait for him to come to me as I knew God had promised he would.

We began with introductions and I, scarcely concealing my nervousness, could barely talk to him as we perused the first site-seeing tour of the day, the Chattanooga Aquarium. My mind was full of frantic inquiries, “Did he have a revelation as well? Was I the one for him?”

Whether consciously or haphazardly on his part, the longer we toured the less interested he seemed in me! He even began patronizing me like an older brother picking on his little sister! “What is going on?,” I asked myself. “He’s hurting my feelings. This isn’t how he treated me before he left for missions.” Our acquaintances even made mention of the callousness of his conduct with me. It took all the effort I had not to break down and cry in front of him.

Before departing, we decided that our last stop of the day would be a locally-themed restaurant. However, my distressed feelings were nearly as hard to shovel down as the food before me. I was so confused and heart-broken; I had thought this would be our magical beginning of togetherness. It wasn’t. And to make matters worse, Matt had hugged everyone goodbye, including Jonathan (a guy he had met once) – everyone except for me. “What kind of message are you sending, Matt?” I wondered.

If I wasn’t depressed enough yet, I was about to become even more dispirited. Matt and I had emailed each other prior to our Cleveland meeting, but for the last few weeks of the summer I didn’t hear from him. Finally, he corresponded, but the email was addressed to "Sis”. I felt a sinking, sick feeling in my gut. “Is this what he still saw me as?” I shuddered at the thought.

Desperate for Matt’s attention, I awaited his return at the BSU on our first day of school. I hadn’t been completely crushed yet and was still enthused about seeing him. He was sitting across from me in the lounge, recounting his trip to some of our mutual friends. And then, he said them, the words I never expected to hear, the words I didn’t want to acknowledge, and the words that were never meant to be uttered by him to me. “I met a girl while I was there, and we’re dating.”

If you've missed previous segments, visit Our Love Story to catch up. Part 6 is coming soon.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Photo Tag: Bump

Stephanie at Adventures in Babywearing had the wonderful idea to post your favorite pregnant photos. These are my two favorites and are the ones I have hanging in my home!

This is of course when I was pregnant with Scamp. I was so scared of becoming a mother. I had no idea what to expect, and I just cannot believe how much I love her. We both are so in love with her!

The picture of just me is hanging in Scamp's room. I thought she could think of it as me watching over her:) The other one is in our hallway. I hope with both photos that Scamp can see how much we loved her already even though we had not even met her.

We are so thankful for Beef's two wonderful sisters, Beth and Shan, who co-own Studio Six Photography. We are also appreciative to Amelia who has great talent in graphic design and made the photos look even more amazing. We love you guys!!

Check out Stephanie's to play along!

Our Delicious Indulgence

Just a quick drink!

Might as well dip the passy in for a little extra goodness!
Mmmm! Devine!

Beef has loved Chai Tea for awhile, but I could never get over the ginger-tasting nastiness of it! However, the Vanilla Chai Tea Latte with whipped cream and chocolate syrup at our local Hastings is a different story. Scamp and I are both addicted now! Beef always buys us one to share, but Scamp has decided she won't share with Mommy! Now, I have to hide it until I've finished my part, then she and Daddy can have the rest!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

A Little Karaoke Anyone?
Click the link to view the video of me singing.

This song is for all you party-goers!! This is how we party around here! I've never claimed to be a good singer. I'm far from it by most people's standards, but by PS2's Karaoke Revolution Country edition's standards, I'm pretty dang awesome:) Bare with me, the song it a little long, but Scamp sure is cute helping me at the end!

Click here for my formal party invitation. Join the party by clicking on The Ultimate Blog Party Button on my sidebar.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Photo Hunters: Salty

I couldn't help myself. I just had to share more than one of these "salty" pictures. These are when Beef and I visited the Outer Banks, NC for our 3rd anniversary. We stayed in Corolla (To my amazement, the city name is NOT pronounced like a Toyota car. It's more like Cor aw la). This is the sound, the water between the island and the mainland. We stayed at the Corolla Light Inn, which had a pier that went out onto the sound. The peacefully still water is not typical, so we were really blessed to take such beautiful pictures. See the mirror image on the water? Breathtaking!! I would recommend this place for any romantic vacation, although it took us 14 hours by car. The closest "big" airport was in Raleigh, 7 hours away.

Visit Photo Hunters to play along.

Come on Over to the Party

Scamp and I want to welcome you to the Ultimate Blog Party. We are so excited about everyone coming to visit!! Please take your time and meet Scamp and myself. I'm currently in the process of writing the story of how Beef (my hubby) and I met, so please check out Our Love Story parts 1-4 if you're interested.

Please leave a comment so that we know you visited, and we'll be sure to drop by your place as well. Thanks for stopping by!!

For those who haven't joined the party, there's still time so please click on the Ultimate Blog Party Button on my sidebar to sign up.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Blog Talkers #9

If you really knew me you would know that…

I'm destined to be a dancer/singer. No, not really. I actually have two left feet and am tone deaf, but that doesn't stop me! I've recently posted about Scamp being a Dancing Diva. Well, she gets that from me. I dance to anything! Every occassion calls for a little song and dance. I make up and sing songs throughout the day, and Scamp and I both groove to the beat!! When it comes to swingin' and swayin', I have no shame (except when we have company).

My mom used to sing to me all the time growing up, and I eventually became embarrassed. I dream of Scamp and I always being able to shimmy and shake together. But, alas those days may come to end when she views my hip-hoppin' as mortifying. But, until then I'm going to live it up and shake my derriere!

View more about me here.

Play along at Blog Talkers.