Friday, December 21, 2007

Sickness Prevails

Scamp is sick again! We think it may be food poisoning this time. Poor thing. She's in the bed with her daddy right now. I hope she's able to sleep. Hopefully, this won't last much longer. We may have to take her to the doctor tomorrow.


Theresa said...

yuck food posioning- thought I had it once, but once when I really got it, I knew the time before wasn't really it.

It kept me from work for two days-but at least I was an adult, poor little Scamp- it is hard for kids to be sick especially around Christmas with so much excitement.

I hope she is feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

OH NO!!! I hope she is feeling better today.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May our world this coming year, and all the years to come, be blessed with peace, love, joy and bountiful blessings.

Hope daughter is better today.

Sonya said...

Goodness! That has to be rough on a little one! I hope she is feeling better today and was able to enjoy her Christmas!

Heart of Rachel said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope she is much better today. Wishing your lil' one well.