Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Swimming in the 'Boro

We went swimming today. You don't know how much of a feat that was with two little ones. Well, maybe you do. You may understand the exhaustion of what used to be a relaxing day at the pool when my hubby and I were still DINKS -- double income, no kids.:) I would not have been able to manage this without the help of a dear friend, Ashley. She's a high schooler that lives down the road from us. She's actually my friend Janice's cousin. That's how we met. I figured she could help me out and work on a tan at the same time. She had a rough job, too. She was Scamp's personal assistant most of the day while I camped under the canopy umbrella beside the kiddie pool with Scoodle.

Scoodle actually has a good day. She slept most of the time since it was so hot. Sometimes I have awesome ideas, and today I came up with one of those.:) I took Scoodle's bouncer with us. She sat up in her bouncer and felt the cool breeze without being trapped in her stuffy carrier all day. I was able to load it up on the sit and stand stroller. Those things are great. The front part of the stroller holds Scoodle's carrier and underneath has a seat when she's big enough to sit up by herself. The back of the stroller has a place for Scamp's tookus. She can sit or she can stand up and hold on. The stroller can hold a lot of gear, and I was able to load up a small cooler, a diaper bag, a swim bag, and the bouncer not to mention Scoodle in her carrier leading the way.

I wish I had taken some pictures, but I forgot my camera. I would have loved to take a few of Scamp and her friends. We've actually got a small group of kids that seem to frequent the same play areas on the same days we do, and today was one of those times. We first met the two moms and their five kids at the park. Then, Scamp had a gymnastics class with one of the kids, then they ended up sharing the canopy umbrella with us today at the pool.

Scamp is asleep. Scoodle is catnapping beside me on the couch, and I have a chicken in the oven. Now, it would be nice if the house was clean, and we were all bathed But, that will have to wait for another day.


Unknown said...

What kind of stroller is that? I've been trying to imagine what it will be like going out of the house with 2 kids and I just can't imagine it. Been thinking about getting a sling but not sure. What's worked best for you so far?

Hyperactive Lu said...

Oh no...I'm kinda scared! We haven't started going to the pool yet and I will have a 4 yr old and a very active 18 mo old!!! Hoping I can manage alone!

Sounds like a good day! :)