Thursday, November 30, 2006

The A-Z of Meme

Stacy tagged me tagged me, so I'll play along.

A - Available/Single? Married
B - Best Friend?
C- Cake or Pie? cake
D - Drink Of Choice? raspberry lemonade
E - Essential Item You Use Everyday? my car
F - Favorite Color? Purple and blue
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms? Gummy Worms - sour please
H - Hometown? Manchester, TN
I - Indulgence? sugar of any kind
J - January Or February? Does it really matter?
K - Kids & Their Names? Scamp
L - Life Is Incomplete Without? My beefcake husband and adorable daughter Scamp
M - Marriage Date? Dec. 1
N- Number Of Siblings? one
O - Oranges Or Apples? oranges but I like apples, too
P - Phobias/Fears? dying young, spiders
Q - Favorite Quote? You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free
R - Reason to Smile- I have hope in God and for my miracle, Scamp
S - Season? Fall
T - Tag Three People? the people I would have tagged have already been tagged
U - Unknown Fact About Me? I love Monster Truck shows
V - Vegetable you don’t like? brussel sprouts, raw celery
W - Worst Habit? letting people run me over
X - X-rays You’ve Had? teeth, feet, abdomen (don't swallow coins!)
Y - Your Favorite Food? chocolate and chicken
Z - Zodiac Sign? Virgo


Anonymous said...

Say Hello to the Beefcake for me!

(We need to keep calling him'll be fun...Beefcake & Fluff-Fluff are bro-in-law...there's fun to be had with that one!)

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Ooh, fun, so glad you played! I really liked this one, for some reason :) Loved reading your answers. I haven't had raspberry lemonade in ages, but I love it too. And I'm with you on the veggies, too. Hey - your anniversary is tomorrow - Happy Anniversary!!!!