Friday, February 02, 2007

What's On Your Fridge? Nothing, apparently!!

Well, crud!! I've got three pictures to upload, and it's taking a heck of a long time, and I'm extremely irritated because I only blog while Scamp is asleep! She's about to wake up, and I feel like I've wasted all this time. Hopefully, I'll have those pictures up soon


Matt said...

Sorry, sorry... that's Beef's fault. I left a BitTorrent open when I left this morning. Net speed should return to normal come this evening. (assumes penitent, guilty husband mode)

Anonymous said...

MATT!!! You are messing with our fun time. What on earth are you thinking??? :-) Just kidding! Love you anyway! HUGS! (Shawna, please pass along to your already feeling guilty hubby)

I look forward to seeing your pictures later!